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Most human beings yearn for pleasure and power. Males tend to seek pleasure in sex and power in bodily strength. Females tend to be more subtle. They find pleasure and power in all the niceties of using their allure to make men do their bidding. Consequently books on the subject are devoured avidly.
Even where cultural values seem to militate against them, girls gain power and influence through exploiting their beauty rather than their strength. They start from infancy honing their skills on their fathers. By the time they have reached the age of Cleopatra or Queen Elizabeth many of them are thoroughly adept, but still learning.
The interest in how people relate to each other is inexhaustible because it is the way in which so many people access power through others. The fertile field yields rich crops of publications in every format. Females gather them with interest. The interest is both theoretical and practical because human affairs are played out endlessly, in private bedrooms, boardrooms and political auditoriums.
The process of courtship often ends in marriage and the birth of a new family. When this happens interest often shifts to the relationships between parents and children and to sibling rivalries. There is a sufficiently diverse literature dealing with these areas to support a whole industry.
Relationship books for women cover the whole range of intellectual capacity from callow banality to deep, sensitive works. Since the eighteenth century the works of Jane Austen have shone like jewels of wit and wisdom. In a few brilliant novels before she died prematurely this spinster was able to convey most of what can be said on the topic of human affairs and relationships. Read more about: relationship books for women
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